Today’s post is long overdue – both in writing it and the content it entails. Ever since having Clara I’ve realized the amount of clothes little people seem to amass can be overwhelming. I’ve always just dealt with the clothes as they’ve outgrown it, donating the clothes that no longer fit, giving them to friends or tossing the clothes that are beyond repair.

This Spring while doing my seasonal purge, I decided it was time to actually organize the kids’ drawers. It wouldn’t be that hard or take that much time and it would look so much better. I’m SO GLAD I finally took the plunge because it makes finding their clothes so much easier.

Clara is able to pick out her own clothes with ease, knowing which sections of her drawers are pants, shorts, etc. We can also find Jonathan’s clothes faster which is important as he often runs around like a naked maniac after his bath. HA!

To organize their dresser drawers I used these drawer organizers by Dial Dream. You can buy them on Amazon (which is where I linked) or I’ve also found them at my local Target store. They are spring loaded, so they can fit in any drawer and in any configuration.

Clara’s drawers were a MESS before I organized them. I’m almost embarrassed to show these pictures, so you can all see how awful her drawers were. She was always just tossing stuff and in out of her drawers haphazardly. She was a good helper though when it was time to go through everything.



I can proudly say that after about 2 months post organizing and her drawers still look this good. With everything in it’s place, Clara does a much better job and putting things back in an orderly fashion. I do a quick straightening of the drawers every week when I put away laundry and everything is back to neat and organized.

I also eventually tackled Jonathan’s drawers. I needed a couple more dividers when I took these pictures, but have since finished his dresser as well. Unfortunately, he was not as good of a helper as Clara. HA!

The addition of the drawer dividers have made a huge difference in the kid’s rooms. Their dressers can now actually hold more things than before now that they are organized. Getting dressed is less of a chore for everyone and the best part is we’ve actually been able to keep it this way so far!!

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